Friday, June 24, 2011

Cliche, but..... THANK GOODNESS IT'S FRIDAY!!!

And... on Friday, we must START our weekend!  Otherwise, it goes by too fast, and we think - "Wow, did I even HAVE a weekend at all???" - So - start with a wonderful meal!  for Dinner... with friends... perhaps Thai Food!  My favorite Thai Restaurant in O.C. is "Diho Siam".  There are 2 I know of, at least - one in Mission Viejo, and one in Costa Mesa - both of which are adjacent to YogaWorks - where I trained, and practice and wish I could LIVE!  I'd be set!  Yoga and Thai food!

Anyway - Start with that great meal that you neither prepared, nor have to clean-up-after, then, start planning how to have NO PLANS for the weekend!  At least, at some point.. plan to do NADA!

That's  it!

Until tomorrow!  A Demain!

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